Released in America under the title 'They call her one eye' the story is about a mute farm girl Frigga who on her way to her doctor when a suave individual named Tony pulls up and dupes her into spending an evening with him. He asks her back to his place Frigga is then kidnapped and drugged by the individual and is forced into a drug habit and to pay for her habit she is made into a prostitute and renamed Madeleine.
At first she tries to escape and as punishment she has her eye cut out. The special effect here is meant to have been done a real corpse of a suicide victim which was confirmed by the lead star later on in an interview. After this she seems to calm down to take the clients as she has them. One is a photographer who likes to take nude photos of her one a lesbian who likes to beat her up ect.
To exact her revenge revenge on the people who made her this way the heroine learns to fire guns accurately, hand to hand combat and to drive using her cut of her pay to pay for it all.
The revenge aspect of the movie is powerful if a little over done with it's constant use of slow-mo shots. The controversial use of the xxx inserts (mind the pun)I feel helps show how captors make her feel disgusting adding to the viewers feeling of wanting her to get revenge in a way like Meir Zachis I spit on your grave and Abel Ferrara's MS 45 which this movie share similarities with.
The final scene where madaline burys her captor up to his neck and is tied to a horse is disturbing as we know this will be the end for her captor and set her free.
But at what price as her life is now changed forever!!
This is a classic slice of exploitation cinema that will equally thrill audiences as well as shocking them.

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